Silver particles and ions in colloidal solution contain a positive charge and are attracted to virus, fungi, bacterium and other single-celled pathogens which are gram negative. When the silver particles attach themselves to these pathogens through the positive charge, they disable the pathogen’s oxygen metabolism enzyme and it’s ability to replicate. In other words, they suffocate and kill the bad guys. Once the pathogen is dead, the silver particle releases it’s bond and searches for a new pathogen to attach to. The dead pathogens are then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes and gut bacteria, colloidal silver leaves these cells and enzymes intact. This makes colloidal silver absolutely safe for humans and animals, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living organisms.
Escherichia coli bacteria live in the intestines of humans and are a common cause of urinary tract infections.
After ingesting colloidal
silver water, it circulates in the body for a week to two weeks before being
eliminated by the kidneys, lymph system and bowel. Colloidal silver does not
interact with any other medications or upset the stomach and gut flora. In fact,
it is a digestive aid. Colloidal silver can also be taken as a daily tonic, especially
for seasonal disorders. It does not sting the eyes or ears or nose and is
therefore perfect for topical use.
Medical journal reports and documented studies spanning the past one hundred years indicate no known side effects whatsoever from oral or intravenous administration of colloidal silver in animal or human testing. It is thoroughly safe for use for adults, children, plants and animals. It can also be used prophylactically to prevent infection and maintain optimal health. It has been used with good results under the most demanding healthcare circumstances. However due to EU directives on labelling constraints, all our products are labelled with the statement “Not for internal use.”