Rae Essence Homeopathy

What can Homeopathy do for you

Everything from trauma and acute or short term illness to many types of chronic conditions can be effectively treated by Homeopathy. 

It is impossible to list all of the ailments, however many people commonly seek treatment for:

  • Stress Anxiety Insomnia
  • Depression Fatigue Headaches
  • Period and Fertility Conditions
  • Pregnancy related conditions
  • Menopause and Children’s Ailments

Other common conditions that people seek Homeopathic Treatment for include: 

  • Ear Nose Throat and Eye Conditions
  • Recurrent Infections
  • Respiratory illnesses
  • Digestive ailments
  • Urinary tract disorders
  • Bone Joint and Skin conditions

Homeopathy is a gentle, yet highly effective system of medicine which is suitable for all ages including sensitive patients from pregnancy, childhood, adolescence to adulthood and old age and is also very effective for animals.

It is non invasive and non toxic and has no side effects. The treatment, although extremely gentle, can be powerful and long lasting and is particularly effective for deep trauma including emotional and mental health disorders. 

It will work side by side conventional medicine. 

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy uses a wide variety of substances from the plant mineral and animal kingdoms. Some remedies are made from elements of the periodic table. 

The remedies are given on the basis of their similarity with symptoms. For example a patient presenting with insomnia may be given Coffea (coffee). This works because of a scientific law (Arndt-Schultz law 19th century) that states:

  • Small doses stimulate
  • Medium doses paralyze
  • Large doses kill

So a small dose of Coffee can have the opposite effect-

Small in homeopathic terms is very very small-that is; not visible to the naked eye.

A law of least action formulated by the French Mathematician Maupertius (1750’s) fortifies the fact by stating:

  • The quantity of action necessary to affect any changes in nature is the least possible. The decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.

Homeopathic remedies are extremely diluted and given as treatment on the basis of their similarity to presenting symptoms.

The Homeopathic consultation is gentle, patient focused and takes into consideration physical, mental, emotional symptoms and is a truly Holistic experience.

Homeopathy - The Future of Medicine

“The Highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way”

Samuel Hahnemann

Circa 1818

On the 300th anniversary of the first writings of by Samuel Hahnemann 

Founder of Homeopathy

I have been practicing Homeopathy for over 15 years now and I have seen extraordinary results from these very powerful diluted substances. 

Homeopathy is used by over 30 million people in Europe and over 500 million people worldwide. India is leading the way globally and using low-cost diverse effective mainstreaming of homeopathy in public health services. India is home to around 285,000 homeopaths, 186 homeopathic colleges, over 6000 homeopathic dispensaries and about 250 hospitals. Ireland has 2 homeopathic colleges and over 400 registered homeopaths. 

All enquiries re homeopathic remedies and consultation by phone or email.

Ciarán Broadbery

(Home Visits Available)
Practicing at:




Business Address


Co Kerry

